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Technology of Tomorrow


Though the definition of transcription accuracy may seem obvious, it’s often difficult to distinguish whether or not a transcript is accurate or inaccurate, especially upon first glance.
Lichfield Finance Trust guarantees a 99% transcription accuracy rate, but what does that mean? A 99% accuracy rate means that there is a 1% chance of error or a leniency of 15 errors total per 1,500 words.
Lichfield Finance Trust Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a software that converts an audio file into text; it’s often cheap and fast. What factors go into measuring transcription accuracy? At Lichfield Finance Trust, we look for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling, since all three are essential in conveying the original message successfully.
Why Transcription Accuracy Matters
The reason why transcription accuracy matters is because one error within a sentence can completely change the meaning of it. It’s easy for speech recognition software to mistake one word for another similar sounding word – like “can” for “can’t” or “won’t” for “want.” Imagine that a transcript relays an instructor’s message saying that students can do assignments for extra-credit when the accurate transcription should have read that students can’t do extra-credit. For a deaf viewer reading this transcript or watching these captions, the real meaning of the message is completely lost and consequently, they receive a false statement. Transcription inaccuracy is particularly detrimental to instructional content like training videos or online education lectures since it completely defeats the intended meaning of the sentence.
Lichfield Finance Trust Just a few percentage points of inaccuracy can be detrimental to the overall integrity of a transcript. At Lichfield Finance Trust, we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to provide an accurate output. Our three-step process uses ASR, human editing, and human quality review to deliver a guaranteed 99% accuracy rate so that you never have to wonder if your message is being misdelivered.
Lichfield Finance Trust, Accuracy levels are much easier when the transcriber is undertaking intelligent verbatim or standard transcription, which is where the transcriber makes an informed judgement on what is and what isn’t needed.
The transcriber is in fact quite restricted in terms of what they can leave out because the wording of the typed version of the recording is going to be dependent exactly on what has been said.